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Atlanta, Ga, United States

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How Will They Know?

If we don’t teach them,
How do we expect them to know?
If we do not plant them,
How do we expect for them to grow?

To reap, and to sow,
To live, before death,
To say that I am not without,
To refer to it as blessed,

To build confidence,
And to establish character,
To be meek at times,
But if you desire it, we must go after her,

How may they know,
That life is but a dream?
And though it is thought to be glamorous,
Life is not always what it seems.

If we as the water,
Choose not to also be sunlight,
Our children live in darkness
Leaving them no insight,

Who will say,
Stand up to your fears?
Who will say it is not necessary,
When wiping away their tears?

If we don’t teach them,
How do we expect them to know?
If we do not plant them,
How do we expect for them to grow?


  1. i really love this one..it's deep and it's true..

  2. love it :) have a strong love for kids....it's crazy hoe people are just giving up on raising them right...or at all in that matter.
